Friday, February 8, 2013

Portion Distortion

According to this article, out portions have grown substantially in the past few years. This has led to a huge obesity problem.  120 million Americans are overweight or obese!  Due to portion distortion, we could be putting on an extra 10 pounds a year by simply eating all the food on out plate 3 meals a day.  Another problem is that we eat all of it.  People don't bring extra food home, they try to eat it all.  I do this a lot.  I don't want to have to lug the food home, and it is never as good re-heated.  According to the article there are many ways to manage your plate.  I think that the best ones are "slow down" and "share a meal".  Slow down is probably my favorite.  How many times have you finished eating and realized your stuffed, way beyond the necessary limits. If you eat slower you can avoid this feeling.  The other good idea is share a meal.  You can get a couple of appetizers and share a meal.  Then you will also have extra room for dessert also.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a really good idea to help bring awareness to the obesity problem we face. Our portions are huge compared to everywhere else in the world. My friends and I usually share meals because it is more convenient and saves money and we then also won't be incredibly full. I am really surprised at how much weight we can gain if we eat all the food on our plates for the 3 meals we eat a day. It makes you really conscience of how much we eat is also a problem, not just what we eat.
