Thursday, February 14, 2013

CDC Obesity Epidemic

              This CDC video explains how the obesity epidemic has expanded and what it can lead to.  Obesity has grown for a majority of  external reasons.  Our environment has changed so much in the past few years, we have much more access to food when ever we want it, and less walking or biking to get there.  Almost everyone has a car and if they don't they have ready access to a bus or rail line.  It is usually to unsafe to play outside and it is easier to sit in front of a computer screen.  Our society has changed and that has led to the rise of this.  Our foods are more caloric and fast food, both cheap and fast, is horrible for you.  
               What is most striking is that there is no real answer to the epidemic   It is not something that we can get a vaccine for and Congress cannot pass a bill to prevent it.  Each person has to do it themselves.  We can try to help by lowering the price of good food and restricting the size of soft drinks (thanks Bloomberg)  but there is no real answer without public help.

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