Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Then and Now

I think that this image is very telling about Obesity in the United States.  Its really interesting how 
the two actors, portraying the same character, can be so different.  In the  book, Augustus 
Gloop is described as a fat kid that loves filling his face with sweets. In just 34 years the idea of
the  most obese kid they could find changed so drastically.  The  norm has  changed just as 
much.  If we were to see the 1971 Augustus today, we may just think of him as  a built athlete, in 
that time he was the over indulgent "fat kid". 

This chart is also startling.  in 1991, no state had more than 20-24 percent obesity.  Only 4 states had 15-19 percent obesity. No we have nothing under 15-19 percent obesity.  In just 12 years our country has multiplied its rates.  This cannot just be the times.  Things have changed over the years that have set this into effect.  how can our society have changed so drastically in 12 years?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow that's crazy to see how society's portrayal of obesity has changed! I think the development of numerous fast food restaurants is why our country has such high obesity rates. I agree that our society has changed so drastically in the last 12 years. This is definitely shocking to see how society's perspective on many concepts change. I think America should work towards eating healthier and to maintain a healthy fitness regime. Another idea that can help stop this obesity rate from increasing is attempting to encourage fast food restaurants in trying to sell more healthy products.

  3. Oh my gosh, that chart above is just mind-blowing! It's sad to see how high the percentages of obesity have become over the past 12 years. There are so many things that have changed in society that correlate to this high increase of obesity, I think. One thing is the decrease of physical activity in kids' lives. This is a result of the development of technology. There are so many new video games that kids can play on their computers, televisions, and even phones. Another change is how Americans eat nowadays. I totally agree that society's idea of "fat" has changed. I think two major ways to help stop this increase of obesity are to have kids eat better (not eating fast food a lot) and encourage kids to play outside instead of sitting inside on the couch the whole day.

  4. I really like the picture of the Augustus Gloop character because it is so accurate in so many ways. The way society has changed, especially children and their eating habits, is insane. I really like the chart that you displayed as well because it is mind blowing just to think that in some way, every part of the United States displays some form of childhood obesity. I really like the images you used to display the whole point of your article the 'Then and Now' factor. As Americans, we should really encourage young children to get outside and become more active. With all of the technological advancements in our world, children have one priority, and that is to get out and buy those new devices. We should promote exercise and the well being it has on our bodies, not violent video games. It was very entertaining and I really enjoyed reading what statistics had to say about childhood obesity.
